
Pumpkin Cranberry Muffins

Everywhere I look these days, all I see is pumpkin. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin pasta, pumpkin soup, even pumpkin oatmeal. It’s a lot… especially for someone who’s not a big pumpkin fan. I know… I know… I may be appalling some of my readers with that statement, but it’s true. I just don’t understand everyone’s fascination with the orange gourd. I mean, just because it’s available doesn’t mean it has to be incorporated into every. Single. Recipe. When our parents were growing up they weren’t drinking pumpkin spice lattes or pumpkin flavored cocktails, were they? There were pumpkin pies and maybe some pumpkin side dishes or main courses, but it definitely wasn’t what it is today.

That said, there are a couple places I like to use pumpkin: pie and baked goods. I love a good pumpkin bread, especially if it has chocolate or cranberries or both in it. I also like pumpkin muffins because they’re really just mini-pumpkin breads. You’re probably wondering why I’m such a fan of the baked goods if I’m not a pumpkin fan. Well, I think it’s because of all the yummy fall spices that are usually included. Spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. Spices I love using this time of year in everything from cakes to chicken dishes to cocktails.

It’s actually those spices that make these breakfast bites so delicious. They not only pack the muffins with a serious autumn punch, they also enhance the tart cranberries. See, I love a good cranberry. I love them so much, in fact, that I always buy an extra bag or two to keep in my freezer so I can use them all year long. The cinnamon enhances those cranberries, making that tartness I love so much really pop, while adding a nice spice to the overall flavor of the muffin.

It’s that combination of spices, cranberries and pumpkin that make these a wonderful breakfast treat. A breakfast treat that almost makes me love pumpkin as much as everyone else out there. A treat that’s perfect for this time of year and will be scrumptious well into December.