Brandy Toddy

When I first started adding cocktails to this blog I went through all the standards from the Martini to the Manhattan and the Sazerac to the Julep. I even sprinkled a few hot cocktails in there like the Horse’s Neck and the Hot Toddy because when the temperature dips I like to drink something warm.
Over the years I’ve done a lot of research into vintage cocktails. Turns out there are a lot more out there than I realized. Drinks like the Mai Tai or the Champagne Cocktail. Drinks I’ve enjoyed several times, but didn’t realize were from the Prohibition or before. This Brandy Toddy is a great example.
The Toddy
See, whenever I think of the classic Toddy, I always make it with bourbon. It’s actually the only way I thought Toddies were made. But it turns out a Toddy can be made with Applejack or brandy or even scotch. As long as it’s made with boiling water and nutmeg, it’s a Toddy. It’s that boiling water and nutmeg though, that makes it perfect for this time of year.
See, when it’s cold outside, all I want to do is snuggle up under a blanket in front of roaring fire. But while a blanket and a fire are nice, a cocktail makes it even better. I usually drink Hot Buttered Rum or a Bourbon Toddy, but since I recently discovered the delicious Ararat, I thought I’d try a Brandy Toddy. It’s very good, but it’s also very different. Where the bourbon has a higher proof and so is a little stronger and a little harsher because of the corn and other grains, the brandy is only 80 proof and sweeter thanks to the fruits from which it is distilled.
There’s no question it’s a different cocktail. I actually like it a little better than the bourbon version because of that sweetness. But whichever version you choose, either Toddy is a delicious option during this wintry, holiday season. Try them both and see for yourself. I know I will, curled up under that blanket next to that roaring fire.
- 1 sugar cube
- 1-1/2 ounces brandy
- 4 - 5 ounces boiling water
- Place the sugar cube and the brandy in a glass coffee mug.
- Add the boiling water and stir to combine. Grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.