Millionaire Cocktail #1

About a month ago I introduced you to a classic Millionaire Cocktail because Tax Day was right around the corner. But then (as with everything this year) things changed. Because of Covid, the IRS was nice enough to move Tax Day from April to May. Yes, if you haven’t filed, believe it or not you’re not late. The new date to file is this Monday, May 17th. So, you still have all weekend to itemize your receipts and hope that there will be some good news (ie a refund) in your future.
Since we all dream about getting that refund and being millionaires… okay, the refund probably won’t be that lush. Still, we all dream of that unexpected windfall that will get us through. While we could do a money dance for the gods, I prefer to imbibe my wishes. Evidently, so did the mixologists of yesteryear.
As I mentioned previously, the Millionaire cocktail was a drink of which there were many. It seems that every man behind the stick had their own version. Some used gin, some bourbon and some even chose rum. Harry Craddock, of the famed Savoy Cocktail book, actually has two listed in his tome and they couldn’t be more different. The one I’m making today has rum, apricot brandy, sloe gin and lime juice. So, it’s on the sweeter side. That sweetness comes from the sloe gin and Jamaican rum.
While you could use any rum you prefer, Craddock uses Jamaican. Even with that focus though, there are still several varieties from which to choose. I’d go with a darker, aged rum. I used Zaya 12 year because the caramel and vanilla flavors pair so well with the brandy and sloe gin. The final product is a delightful drink that’s super sippable. It’s also a cocktail that will make you forget your troubles, and that you may (or may not) owe Uncle Sam. Hmmm… maybe we should shake up more than one this weekend. After all, the more cocktails we imbibe, the bigger the refund… right?
- 3/4 ounce aged Jamaican rum
- 3/4 ounce sloe gin
- 3/4 ounce apricot brandy
- 1/2 ounce lime juice
- dash grenadine
- Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker. Add ice and shake vigorously until chilled.
- Strain into a cocktail glass and serve.