Morning Glory Fizz

Now that we’re through Christmas, there’s just one more holiday before we can pack up all the decorations and look ahead to 2023: New Year’s. While you’ll see a lot of recipes for champagne cocktails for New Year’s Eve, I’m bringing you a drink for the morning after. The morning when you might need a little extra help to open those eyes because you may have tied one on the night before. I don’t blame you. I do the same thing. It’s the end of the year. A time to celebrate. It’s a time to let loose and enjoy yourself and there’s no better way to do that than with a glass of bubbly in your hand. But the clock has struck 12 and it’s time to get up.
While coffee is a great option, some like to pick up where they left off with a little hair of the dog. You know, a drink with the same alcohol you had the night before so that you can function until you level off. Even though I’m not a strong believer in this, I do love a good morning cocktail: something that’s a little sweet, a little sour, and has plenty of bubbles. It’s a great way to start the day, especially if it comes with a big plate of eggs and bacon.
Well, today’s cocktail has all that and more. It’s actually a great drink any time of day but was specifically created as a “morning after” tipple. Dating back to the late-1800’s, this cocktail was first spotted in O.H. Byron’s Modern Bartender’s Guide. It appeared again in Harry Johnson’s 1900 New and Improved Bartenders’ Guide where he describes it as an excellent choice for “a morning beverage, which will give a good appetite and quiet the nerves.”
It has everything one of these classic morning drinks should: a strong shot of liquor, a touch of citrus, an egg white and plenty of bubbles. I mean, it’s practically breakfast in a glass. Not that I think you should imbibe this all by itself. It should absolutely be served with a large stack of pancakes and plenty of greasy bacon and sausage. But the Morning Glory Fizz is a delicious drink that will definitely get the job done, especially if you’re a scotch lover. Served up, this drink can be sipped or shot depending on how bad your hangover is. But however you choose to enjoy the drink, don’t feel guilty about continuing the party. It is New Year’s after all, and who says the party has to end at midnight? We even have an extra day off this year since the first falls on Sunday. So, drink up and be merry. Reality starts on Tuesday.
- 2 ounces blended scotch
- 1/2 ounce lime juice
- 1/2 ounce lemon juice
- 1/2 ounce simple syrup
- 2-3 dashes absinthe
- 1 egg white
- Pour everything into a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously. Add ice and shake again until chilled.
- Strain into a wine glass. Garnish with an orange wheel and serve.